Year: 2023
Why review your parenting plan as the New Year dawns?
As the new year approaches, an opportunity for reflection and renewal presents itself quite obviously. This period of fresh beginnings is not just for personal resolutions but can also be an ideal time for co-parents to revisit and review their parenting plans. A...
What happens to retirement accounts during divorce?
When couples go through a divorce, the division of their retirement accounts may become a matter of concern. These accounts are often substantial and can significantly impact the property division process. Two key concepts that often come into play when division of...
Watch out for the dissipation of marital assets during a divorce
The dissipation of assets refers to the unjustified spending or wasting of marital property amidst a divorce. For instance, you may notice short-term spending sprees on luxury items or sudden extravagant expenses by your spouse before the divorce process begins or...
Can business owners keep working together after a divorce?
Things get tricky when business owners are married, and they may have even been a married couple before they started the business. But they’ve now decided that they’re going to get divorced. As the marriage ends, they may start to wonder if that’s also the end of the...
What is birdnesting after a divorce?
When parents get divorced, they have to set up a custody schedule. In many cases, this means that both adults will split up parenting time with their children, as the child lives with each parent in turn. It’s very common for both parents to have their own homes and...
Chronic stress can lead to poor divorce decisions
If you are going through a divorce, you may agree that it is one of the most stressful experiences anyone can endure. Divorce stress is quite common and understandable, but that doesn’t make it any less unpleasant. Chronic stress persists over a lengthy period,...
3 factors that influence the cost of a California divorce
The average person will confirm that divorce is an expensive process, if asked. Not only do divorcing couples need to split up their resources, but they also have to pay for legal representation and time in the California family courts. According to recent research on...
Do people get divorced because of financial issues?
Marriage often involves talking about difficult subjects. Couples may discuss whether they want children, if they will finance for a new home or if they would move for better jobs. These kinds of decisions often have financial implications. If a couple comes to an...
My spouse won’t sign divorce papers. What do I do?
Even the most amicable divorce can be emotionally draining and tiresome to navigate. But if your spouse is adamant and anything but willing to sign divorce papers, you might be wondering what to do. If you have decided to end your marriage, you are probably ready to...
Protective steps unmarried parents should consider in a breakup
If you’re reading this, you understand that unwed parents can have the same relationship issues as married parents. Sometimes, these problems can cause a rift deep enough to permanently divide couples, regardless of whether they are married. You might assume the...