5 tips for co-parenting after divorce
Parents who are going through a divorce have some unique challenges to handle that aren’t present for people who don’t share children. Throughout the divorce, they have to ensure the children are adjusting well to the changes.
It’s not always easy co-parenting with an ex. Remembering these five tips may be beneficial.
1. Make decisions based on the children
All decisions you make while co-parenting should be based on what the children need. How those decisions impact you or your ex can’t be considered.
2. Communicate calmly and effectively
All communication should be directly between you and your ex. Always speak calmly to each other, and never involve the children in passing messages.
3. Agree on mutual rules
It’s a good idea to have major rules the same between both homes, if possible. This may include the rules for going out with friends or ones about performance in school. Consistency enables children to thrive despite the major changes they’re dealing with.
4. Remain dependable
Children need to know their parents will be dependable. This means that you always pick them up or drop them off when expected and that you do what you say you will do. Having at least one dependable parent can give them stability, which is critical for children.
5. Encourage support
Having a support system for yourself and your children is important. This can include your friends and family members. Your children may also be able to count on support from trusted teachers, coaches and other adults in their life.
The parenting plan you set has all the terms for how the co-parenting relationship will work. Be sure you set it in a mutually agreeable manner and that you refer to it when you have questions.