Child Custody
How military assignments affect custodial rights
Relocation is a reality that many military families face, often dictated by the needs of the armed forces. While these moves are essential for service members to fulfill their duties, they can create challenges in divorce cases involving child custody. In San Diego,...
How to work with a narcissist on child custody matters
Child custody is a challenging situation for those who are dealing with a narcissist. This is primarily because you’re having to raise your children with someone who’s very self-absorbed and lives in a world they create for themselves. The very nature of a narcissist...
Connecting with kids as a long-distance parent
Once parents end their romantic relationship, one parent may move to a new area. That makes it difficult for them to be able to be a constant fixture in their child’s life. While it might be challenging, staying in contact with the kids and building a strong...
The dangers of using kids as messengers between parents
Some parents who go through a divorce can’t stand the thought of talking to each other. Yet, if they share children, they will have to find a way to communicate about things related to their kids. It might be tempting for some to try to use the children as messengers,...
Why birdnesting may not be a good idea
Co-parenting after divorce forms an important foundation for the well-being and stability of the children involved. One of the co-parenting plans that parents may choose is birdnesting, where parents take turns living in the family home with the children while the...
Can you relocate for work if you share custody?
You’ve been searching for a new job ever since your divorce, and you’re open to looking for opportunities outside of California. You’ve recently been offered an excellent position. It would be a major life change, as it is based in New York City, but you’re wondering...
What does shared legal custody entail?
Most people think custody proceedings only involve deciding where a child resides and at what times. However, there is more to it than that. In litigated custody matters, the court must also define both parents' authority and obligation to make significant decisions...
What do you need to modify child custody orders in California?
Court-issued child custody orders are not designed to last forever. Circumstances change over time, and a custody arrangement initially ordered by the court may eventually no longer suit its intended purpose of serving a child’s best interests. Therefore, you can...
3 things to consider as you tell your children about your divorce
Divorce can be a lot for a family to handle. Eventually, your children will learn about the divorce. As a parent, you may be struggling with the idea of how to talk to your children about the news before they learn it from someone else. Talking to your children about...
Why review your parenting plan as the New Year dawns?
As the new year approaches, an opportunity for reflection and renewal presents itself quite obviously. This period of fresh beginnings is not just for personal resolutions but can also be an ideal time for co-parents to revisit and review their parenting plans. A...