Mediation: A Powerful Divorce Alternative
Mediation is when a neutral third party helps guide the divorcing parties to a settlement of their divorce. Mediation is appropriate when a Judge is not required to resolve a dispute between the divorcing parties. Many divorcing parties prefer controlling the outcome of their divorce rather than the leaving outcome to a Judge’s decision.
Prager Jones is highly knowledgeable and experienced at mediation. We provide legal information and creative solutions so the divorcing parties can make informed decisions about their divorce.
As a mediator we do not represent either party or decide the case. Mediation is a great option for divorcing parties who want to reach an agreement in a private and non-adversarial setting. Mediation may help save time and money, avoid litigation, and create a respectful relationship going forward.
How Mediation Works
The divorcing parties are carefully guided through the entire divorce process from the initial filing, through the required financial disclosure process, to the negotiation and drafting of the Marital Settlement Agreement, to the final judgment documents. The mediator prepares the necessary documents based on input from the parties and files documents with the court. If the parties reach a settlement, they may never have to appear in court.
The Benefits Of Mediation
Compared to litigation, mediation tends to be faster, less expensive, less combative, and generally results in customized solutions that work better for everyone. Mediating your divorce can give you and your spouse more flexibility about how assets are divided. This is ideal for couples with complex assets such as a privately held business or a diverse investment portfolio.
Mediating your child custody matter often results in a parenting agreement that is highly detailed, well-crafted and meets the unique needs of the whole family. You know your children better than anyone does, which is why you and your co-parent should have control over how parenting time is allocated.
As long as the parties remain cooperative, nearly all family law issues can be resolved through mediation, including things like spousal support, child support and even the creation of procedures for addressing any future disputes.
What Sets Us Apart
Our attorneys have wide-ranging experience in all aspects of family law, including mediation and other forms of Alternative Dispute Resolution (“ADR”). And we are not afraid of complexity or thinking outside the box to find creative solutions. We regularly serve clients with significant and complex assets, military families and members of the LGBTQIA community. Whatever your family’s circumstances or needs may be, chances are good that we can assist you.
Free Consultations Available – Reach Out Today
Prager Jones proudly serves clients throughout San Diego County. To learn more about our practice in a free initial consultation, send us a message online or call our office at 619-826-6926.