Experienced Divorce Lawyers To Help You Navigate Trying Times
Even when spouses are parting on good terms, divorce can be overwhelming. Far too often, the family dynamic becomes unhealthy and sometimes abusive.
The reassuring news is that you don’t have to go through it alone. The right San Diego divorce attorney can make a big difference in the process as well as the outcome. Our mission at Prager Jones is to provide the support and guidance you need when you need it most.
Comprehensive Representation And Personalized Attention
We limit the number of clients and cases we take so that you receive our full attention. The benefit of hiring a divorce law firm that focuses exclusively on family law is that our representation is comprehensive. We can help you with every family legal matter you may be facing, including:
- Divorce (from uncontested divorce to high-conflict litigation)
- Military divorce
- Legal separation
- Spousal support
- Property division (including complex property division)
- Child custody, visitation and parenting schedules
- Child support
- Parental relocation (move-away orders)
- Domestic violence restraining orders (DVRO)
- Prenuptial and postnuptial agreements
We understand that a family law issue is likely to impact other aspects of your life as well. That’s why we work with a team of experienced professionals to give you the additional support you need while we focus on the legal aspects of your case.
Divorce In California: What To Know
Before you can file for divorce, you must meet the state’s residency requirement. You or your spouse must have lived in California for at least six months; you must live in the county in which you plan file for divorce for at least three months. When you do file, you should be aware that California is a no-fault divorce state. This means that you do not need to prove that your spouse has fault for the divorce and that you can dissolve the marriage even if your spouse does not want to.
Divorce: Contested Vs. Uncontested
A contested divorce is anytime a judge must resolve a dispute between the spouses. In California, courts prefer that divorcing couples attempt to resolve their differences through divorce mediation and out-of-court negotiation whenever possible. This is often beneficial, but not appropriate or possible in every case. As such, our divorce lawyers are skilled and experienced in everything from mediation to courtroom litigation.
Experience The Difference For Yourself – Contact Us Today
Based in San Diego, divorce lawyers at Prager Jones serve clients throughout the surrounding area. To take advantage of a free initial consultation with one of our attentive and caring divorce attorneys, call us at 619-826-6926 or fill out our online contact form.