Secret spending could lead to divorce
There are many financial issues that can lead to divorce. Some couples can’t make ends meet. Other couples have different goals, such as when one is a spender and the other is a saver. These types of financial issues can cause a marriage to come to an end.
One potential issue that is sometimes reported is secret spending. This is also known as financial infidelity. It generally just means that one spouse is spending money while intentionally concealing that spending from the other.
Don’t people do this all the time?
To some degree, yes, most married couples will spend money without clearing it with the other person. Your spouse is probably not going to text you to tell you that they are putting gas in the car or buying groceries. Little expenditures like this just happen and are an expected part of life.
But the issue is when that spending is excessive and begins to cause financial problems for the couple. Maybe someone has a secret gambling addiction, and they funneled thousands of dollars out of their savings into this addiction every month. Their spouse has no idea and believes that they are saving for the future, but they actually have nothing in reserve. When that type of secret spending is discovered, it can often lead to divorce because it creates a financial hardship, as noted above, and because it erodes the trust between the two individuals.
Are you getting divorced?
Are you and your spouse going to split up this year, perhaps because of financial issues? It could get complicated, so be sure you know what legal steps to take.